Programming with Passion

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Saturday, 15 July 2017

Android Device Manager


1. What would you do if you lose your android smartphone. If you lost it in the house you probably gonna ring it and see where it is but what would you do if it is silent?

2. What would you do if your android smartphone is stolen. Probably want to erase all the Stuffs in it and lock it so no one can use it. But HOW?

3. What if you forget your password and can't seem to remember even the backup pin. What in the hell would you do?

Well I am just here to tell you What you are going to do. 

Ever thought why android smartphones asks for your email address when the first time you switch on it? No okay Most of you didn't but eh its okay you'll get to know today why.

Google offers you one of the great service known as Android Device Manager

So if you lose your smartphone just google android device manager sign in with the email account associated with your smartphone and check it out it gives you the following-

1. Your smartphone last location (last time it was connected to the internet)
2. Option to lock the phone (It deletes every lock and set its own which can't be cracked and also displays a message For e.g. you can Type Call 999999 )
3. Ring option which enables it ringing so you can find it if its nearby.(Even in Silent mode)
4. Erase. Now this must be your last option if you know your mobile got stolen and there is no way to recover it you should go with this option which will erase everything in your smartphone (and i mean EVERYTHING)

Hope you won't need it but just in case :p

Happy Cracking.

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