Programming with Passion

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Saturday 19 March 2016

Decorator in C++

Decorator in C++

using namespace std;
class Weapon{
    virtual void fire()=0; // This function is virtual because we will derive several classes
                            // From weapon
// Hand gun is inherited from Weapon because handgun is a type of weapon

class Handgun: public Weapon{
    void fire(){    //In the derived class we will define the fire function explicitly for the Handgun
        cout<<"Handgun fires ";
// Here comes the decorator this decorator assigns additional responsibilities at runtime to a weapon object
//This decorator must be inherited from the base class weapon so that an object of type weapon can be
// passed to the decorator on which the decorator is going to perform the action
class decorator: public Weapon{
    protected :
    Weapon *weaponPtr; // A point of type base is created in decorator to get the object which is going to be decorated
    decorator(Weapon* weaponPtr){   //at run time the weapon which is going to be decorated would be passed to the
                                    // Constructor of decorator

    //Now look at the function of fire in decorator
    virtual void fire(){    //Virtual because this is the base class of decorator further decorator classes would be
        weaponPtr->fire();  //The weapon object which would come in the weaponPtr its fire function would be called
//Now here comes different types of decorators
//Derive all the different type of decorators from decorators base class
class silencerDecorator: public decorator {
    silencerDecorator(Weapon* weapon):decorator(weapon){} //The weapon object must be passed to constructor of the base class
    void fire(){
        decorator::fire(); // this function call will invoke simple fire of the weapon
        cout<<" with silencer "; //Here some addition responsibilty is added to the fire of weapon by decorator
                                    //which is with silencer
class laserDecorator: public decorator {
    laserDecorator(Weapon* weapon):decorator(weapon){} //The weapon object must be passed to constructor of the base class
    void fire(){
        decorator::fire(); // this function call will invoke simple fire of the weapon
        cout<<" with laser "; //Here some addition responsibilty is added to the fire of weapon by decorator
                                    //which is with laser
int main(){
    //You want a handgun with silencer and with laser then here is the code
    decorator *glockWithSilencer=new laserDecorator(new silencerDecorator(new Handgun)); //a handgun would be decorated with silencer
    //check this
    //The handgun will fire with silencer

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